How to choose the right job for you

In todays age of countless wonderful job vacancies ranging all across the world it’s almost impossible to know which one is best for you. The internet has helped connect us with a world of opportunities but with all this choice it’s almost impossible know which option to take. Here’s our tips to cutting through the hype and adverts and getting to the position that’s best for you.

Ignore the salary

Money is important,  there’s no two ways about it. However, when considering a job regardless of the industry you are in the money will come with success. In order to be successful, you need to love what you do and wake up each morning looking forward to the working day ahead of you. Focus on the details of the job and how they personally suit you. Is it something you are truly passionate about? Is the position enjoyable. Make sure you love the job and the success and money will come.

Allow for a placement year (or two)

In today’s age it seems like the world is a giant sweet shop for new candidates. With jobs ranging from working in trendy Silicon valley with perks galore to travelling the world and getting paid for it. With such choice you are not going to be able to make a decision on the spot, so why not make the most of the opportunity and take a year or two out to look at life from a different perspective? Living in a different environment and culture changes our mindset and enables us to look at our life and our ambitions and goals more holistically. Its also a great way to build a broad base of skills and live a large number of life changing experiences without hindering your career.

Research the employer

The position may be a dream but thats nothing without a genuine employer. Knowing the employer from just reading the job specification is all the difference there is between a dream job and a complete disappointment. In today’s internet age its essential to do thorough research on the company to make sure everything is legit before going for the position. An easy way to do this is to use a Recruitment agency. For example, Noon Elite Recruitment carefully vet and inspect employers of any jobs they offer before offering them to interested candidates. The widespread use of internet reviews holds recruitment agencies to high standards by all reviews of their services being made public on sites like Facebook, Google and Trust Pilot.



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