3 ways to take advantage of the new Linkedin video platform

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Following on from the social media giants that are Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn seem to have finally got their act together and introduced videos. These can now be uploaded to the site via LinkedIn’s ios and Android apps. Unlike Snapchat, who realised the value of video early on and made video central to their platform, LinkedIn have got in on video rather late in the game. Video is good for social media sites as the improved media quality increases engagement lengths (keeps you on the page longer) and allows more sophisticated advertising options. This allows social media sites to charge for video ads and compete against traditional video media such as TV and cinema adverts. Ever wondered why Facebook seems to heavily promote video on your facebook newsfeed over everything else? It boils down to money raised from advertising on videos. Getting in on this tool early can help you stand out to employers. Unlike Snapchat, LinkedIn have given us clear directions on how to use these videos in support of their vision of building a professional network. Here are a few ideas to inspire you to get in early and make use of this new old tool.

Create a video CV

Now it would be impossible to put this without inspiring you with the comedy genius of Peep Show character Mark Corrigan’s video CV. Use this as a guide, and by guide we mean do the opposite of everything he does in his! You are looking for a sincere, professional human touch to your resume. When making a video CV, ensure you speak slowly and clearly into the camera. Sit or stand in a well lit environment with a neutral, tidy background. Remember, business is a highly subjective art and professional presentation goes a long way. If you want some pointers on looking more professional you can read our tips article here.

Introduce a project

LinkedIn have a cool video on their app showing someone drawing an incredible image as an example of a project that you can highlight to inspire and impress your network. If you are like the majority of Linked users that don’t draw professionally, why not film a snippet of code while you are programming? Or show a recipe you are preparing? Or, how about showing off a new product that you are preparing to launch? The possibilities are endless.

Give a tour of your company

The key to LinkedIn media is to keep the main focus professional, with the permission of the relevant people in charge you could give a tour of where you work and what you do. This can help demonstrate to future recruiters and potential employers the skills that you have developed and how you could fit in their organisation. Just be careful with this one though, not everything that can be shared should be shared. This is not suitable for some businesses as it may risk leaking trade secrets about how the company operates. However, for many modern transparent firms the benefit of free marketing should make showcasing your job at work a win win.



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